Saturday, September 12, 2009

KeKe & the internet

KeKe loves the internet. She also loves our laptop. She has been able to use the computer since before her 2nd birthday. Everyone is impressed with how well she can move around on the computer. Sadly, the girl can press buttons on the keyboard and open programs that I have to use the mouse to open. Sad, yes I know, especially since I use the computer everyday at work! lol

Last night I was letting her play some games online. She has about 3 online sites she LOVES. Well, I walked away for a few minutes to do something and all of a sudden I heard the dreaded whining of an almost 4 year old in the background. I come running back into the living room and she is upset at the internet for taking too long to open her website. I couldn't do anything but laugh. Even with high-speed internet, the girl is quick! I informed her that the reason the page wasn't opening was because the site was having problems and we can close it and go to another site. Oh NO! She looks at me and says "no, we just have to be patient and it will open" least I have taught her to wait for
I ended up closing it out anyway and she was happy with another site.

Her favorite sites are:

All are free sites and has some good educational games. She needs a challenge so this gives her a good outlet. She also has some games on cd's that she uses that are Reader Rabbit, Jumpstart, and a few others. Do you have any favorites your little one enjoys?


Jessie said...

My 3 year old loves the PBS kids website, nick jr, and the disney channel one. She navigates them amazingly well, too. One thing we did to help her was set them up under her own username, so we could change what she had access to--she can only use the internet, a basic painting program, and a few other games that come on the mac. We also have very strict filters on her internet so that she can't get into anything we wouldn't want her to see. I love living in this age, sometimes. :)

Katrina said...

Thanks Jessie for your comment. We have let her use the PBS kids website but she didn't like it that much. I will have to check out the disney channel one...hadn't heard of it. The username and adding filters is something we really do need to put on our laptop. She does fairly well just playing what I open for her but I have seen her open up Yahoo music so she is learning how to navigate the internet, but I do agree with you, there are some things she doesn't need to see yet.

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