Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy Homemaker Monday

The originator Sandra, over at does this every Monday. I enjoy reading it and hope you will too. Please go visit her site if you are not already following her.

The weather in my neck of the woods: Very hot and humid. The forecast was 98 degrees. Talk about a heat wave!

One of my simple pleasures: My precious KeKe sleeping next to me all night and waking up with a smile...yes, she slept with me last night and never once kicked me. lol

On my bedside table: Alarm clock, lamp and a tray for catch-all stuff.

On my t.v.: It was House Hunters until KeKe decided she wanted to find something...she has been flipping channels for 10 minutes...ha! She is even laughing at different stuff along the way.

What our menu was tonight: Pizza and homemade cheesesticks with sauce. Thank you my DH, Robbie.

On my to-do list: Figure out a new budget since Robbie doesn't have any income coming in.

New Recipe I tried last week: Didn't try any but I have plans to do one tomorrow.

In the craft basket: Everything...I have to organize it b/c I haven't had time for it since the move. Plus, it's 2 months before KeKe's birthday and so I need to plan that.

Looking forward to: KeKe going to work with me on Thurs. and Fri. while the sitter is having surgery.

Homemaking tip for the week: Put laundry away as soon as it finishes in the dryer. No piles for the little one to play in after it's folded.

Lessons learned the past few weeks: Don't count your chickens before they hatch! Sometimes prayers are not answered quickly and money can run out.

On my prayer list: My M-I-L who is fighting a cancerous brain tumor and both of my Granma's for their health could be better.

Devotionals, Scriptures, Key Verses: Proverbs 14:1 "Every wise woman buildeth her house; but the foolish plucketh it down with her own hands."

1 comment:

Jessie said...

So I just noticed you following my blog the other day, and have enjoyed getting to know you from your blog. I'm assuming you found me from Want What You Have? Just guessing. Anyway, you're welcome to read my blog any time you'd like.

I just wanted to say--I saw your post you put up earlier today (that seems to be down now)--and I hope you're doing ok. Just keep in mind that you guys are undergoing a LOT of change right now, and many hard things with that (new place, DH's income loss, your possibility of working more when you just want to stay home, DH's mom's health, KeKe's attitude--I'm sure the list goes on, those are just the bits I've caught from your posts), so take it easy on yourselves. I'm sure your DH is frustrated with himself because he can't provide right now, and he's probably worried about his mom, too--not that those are necessarily an excuse to not act like a family, but still--there are just a lot of things going on right now making life really hard. I figure in times like this, you get to make a choice. Do we fight together as a family, or let the hard times pull us apart? While I definitely think there are grounds for divorce (like abuse, among other things), the majority of the time, people aren't any happier after they get a divorce. I think this is because marriage is of God. While it isn't easy to combine two lives, if we let it, it will draw us much closer to the Lord. We have to learn patience, selflessness and humility as we try to make our wills one with each other, and with the Lord.

I believe the Lord always loves us, even when we don't follow Him like we should. It is just harder to feel His love when we're not living the way He's asked us to. And because He loves us, He also knows that there are situations that are not safe for us, and won't punish us for getting out of those.

I'm sorry if this was way too much from me, since I've never even talked to you before, but I just felt like I had to say something. I hope you're doing okay, it really sounds like you're trying to do the right things for your family, even though you sound like you're feeling pretty lonely. Good luck. :)

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